

Follow-up on Ciprofloxacin

Hello Mr. Welsch, You provided a second opinion on my previous question and are an ENT expert. It was about fluoroquinolones, specifically Ciprofloxacin. A report from your practice with 20 years without incident is reassuring. I am neither against v...

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Fine black stripe on the big toe.

Good day. A little about me: I am male and 27 years old. In 2017, I noticed a fine black line on the fingernail of my right index finger, running from the tip of the nail down. It was not even 2mm long and very narrow, less than 0.2mm, taking up less...

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Are circulatory disorders visible in the ECG?

Dear experts, I am a 35-year-old female and have been a non-smoker for a year now (due to these complaints). I have been experiencing heart problems for many months. Over time, they have worsened and become more frequent, particularly occurring duri...

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Finest red stripes and dots on the cuticles.

Hello! About 3 years ago, I discovered a black, very fine stripe on my fingernail. It didn't even cover a third of my index finger and was not even 0.5mm wide, more like 0.2mm. It was there for about 2 years and disappeared as soon as it was cut off...

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Fear of myocarditis

Dear Sir or Madam, I am currently at the end of a summer cold that started with a scratchy throat last Tuesday. The course of the illness was as follows: slight scratchy throat from Tuesday to early Saturday, took Dorithricin. Since Friday evening,...

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Prominent mole

Hello, I have discovered an unusual mole on my back. It looks like a combination of a pimple and a mole. It doesn't look normal to me... as I am flying to America in 2 days, I now wanted to ask an expert for their opinion......

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Thrombosis D-Dimers

Hello, my question is: Last year, I was diagnosed with a thrombosis in my lower leg (non-compressible vein in the lower leg 3-4cm). Treatment with Fondaparinux was started on the same day. The following day, my D-Dimer value was taken, which was comp...

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Nerve irritation after St. John's Wort

My partner is 67 years old and took a prescription St. John's Wort medication 5 weeks ago. Unfortunately, she exposed herself to the sun afterwards and has been experiencing tingling, itching, and pain since then. It has not improved after 6 weeks. T...

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Trouble with hemorrhoids?

Dear expert, I have had a rather diffuse problem for about 3 months that I can no longer properly classify. In short, it started with problems with bowel movements. Despite having a normal soft consistency, the need to use the toilet was already ind...

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Elevated creatinine levels

Dear expert, I have a question regarding the interpretation and consequences of my kidney values. I am 68 years old, 170 cm, 65 kg. My current values are: Cystatin C 1.09 ml/l GFR-Cystatin C 65.4 Total cholesterol 227 Uric acid 6.0 Creatinine 1.03 G...

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Question about human genetics

Dear doctor, I am working on an article and would need your assessment on the following recently available genetic test: - it analyzes 19 genes related to breast or ovarian cancers. From what I know so far: the test is relative...

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Hello Mr. Schmülling, I have one more question: are peribronchial indurations not fibrosis, i.e. not curable? Or can these also regress? (See previous questions:

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Voice constantly goes hoarse.

I am male, non-smoker, do not drink alcohol, and 37 years old. For years now, it has occasionally happened that my voice "flips", it becomes significantly higher, like during puberty. However, this has only rarely occurred and only in the following s...

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Possible consequences of hypothermia

Dear expert, My question is about the body's behavior in case of hypothermia. It is a hypothetical question, as I am writing a novel and want to describe it as realistically as possible. The scenario is as follows: The novel takes place in Tierra ...

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Signs of pregnancy

Dear expert team, My question is of a theoretical nature and relates to pregnancy. Is it possible to notice pregnancy symptoms before implantation due to the increase in progesterone from fertilization? What would these roughly be, and would the inc...

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Dear expert team, I would like to ask if there is any evidence known to you that suggests that the probability of getting pregnant for couples who have sex for the first time together is higher than that of couples who have had sex more often. In sh...

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Breathing problem

Hello, I hope you can help me. I find it hard to describe, but I have noticed that in the last 3 months, I have woken up about 3-4 times from a "loud snoring" that momentarily blocks my breathing. I also experienced this while out for a walk twice, ...

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Organic cause for twitching?

Dear expert team, For almost two weeks now, I have been experiencing persistent twitching in my head as soon as I try to fall asleep. Sometimes it also twitches in my arm or leg, or goes through my whole body. Mainly in the head though, and sometime...

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