Organic cause for twitching?
Dear expert team,
For almost two weeks now, I have been experiencing persistent twitching in my head as soon as I try to fall asleep. Sometimes it also twitches in my arm or leg, or goes through my whole body. Mainly in the head though, and sometimes accompanied by a slight dizziness. It also seems like there is some kind of blockage in the blood flow to the brain, as sometimes when I lay my head on the pillow, I feel pressure and the mentioned dizziness.
I have to mention that I have been physically and mentally very unwell for the past 7 months. In November, after a very complicated pregnancy with extended bed rest in the hospital, I had to deliver my baby 10 weeks prematurely. After we finally got home, the physical problems started. From joint and back pain to loss of appetite and digestive issues. All blood tests etc. are completely normal and my primary care physician diagnosed me with somatization disorder. In March, it got so bad that I had sudden dizzy spells and constant pressure in my head. I had an MRI with angiography in April and everything was completely normal. The doctor's assessment: No mass, no inflammatory lesion, no vascular malformation.
After that, things improved somewhat, except for the ongoing loss of appetite (I have lost 10 kg since the beginning of the year) and persistent digestive issues.
I am constantly afraid that something is wrong with my child because I always have to go for check-up appointments due to the premature birth, and I am totally stressed because of early intervention, physiotherapy, household chores, etc. I definitely eat and drink too little and I am constantly running from doctor to doctor. Everyone always says that I am organically healthy and it's just psychological. I was already in a neurological emergency room in April because I was so panicked about the dizziness and headaches. The neurologist did the usual tests but no specific examinations, and referred me to a psychiatrist/psychologist. He said I have more of an adjustment disorder and an enormous overload.
I am now really desperate because I keep experiencing new physical problems that really scare me, like the ones I am having now. I was never sick before pregnancy, and now I feel like a wreck physically.
I am currently in therapy with a psychologist to work through the past few months.
What do you think, should I be worried that I am somehow neurologically ill, or could these sensations actually be psychologically related? If so, how long do I have to wait and what can I do about it?
Thank you very much.