Tumor? Tumor?
I have been having these strange thought intrusions for a few years now. They often occur at work or while studying for exams, maybe 3-4 times a year. Sometimes in the form of deja-vus, but mostly just random thoughts: For example, I had a strong thought that I would be going on vacation with a friend next week, even though I knew that wasn't the case.
These thoughts come suddenly and completely overshadow the actual events at that time. After a few seconds, the thoughts are gone again.
I have looked into "flachback" before, but on the internet it is described as being transported back to real memories, which is not the case for me.
I am a little worried that it could be something serious. Maybe a brain tumor, even though I don't have any other symptoms (no headaches, no nausea, no muscle cramps...)
But I guess that's not normal...
Thank you in advance