
Ask a doctor on the topic of Neurology

Tumor? Tumor?

I have been having these strange thought intrusions for a few years now. They often occur at work or while studying for exams, maybe 3-4 times a year. Sometimes in the form of deja-vus, but mostly just random thoughts: For example, I had a strong thought that I would be going on vacation with a friend next week, even though I knew that wasn't the case.
These thoughts come suddenly and completely overshadow the actual events at that time. After a few seconds, the thoughts are gone again.
I have looked into "flachback" before, but on the internet it is described as being transported back to real memories, which is not the case for me.
I am a little worried that it could be something serious. Maybe a brain tumor, even though I don't have any other symptoms (no headaches, no nausea, no muscle cramps...)
But I guess that's not normal...

Thank you in advance

Dr. med. Ive Dr. Schaaf

Good day,

I can reassure you, this is actually quite normal. The subconscious mind deals with questions that keep bothering us, usually in dreams at night. Sometimes these thoughts also arise during the day, and if it happens a few times a year as you say, especially during periods of strong concentration, then it is normal.

If you haven't omitted anything significant in your description, you don't need to fear any disruption in your thought processes or a tumor.

If you are troubled by your intrusive thoughts, you could seek help from a psychologist who can work with you on the unconscious questions that are troubling you more than you realize. However, this is not absolutely necessary. It is more likely that over time you will be able to address your unconscious questions.

Best regards,

Dr. I. Schaaf

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Experte für Neurology

Dr. med. Ive Dr. Schaaf