

Very low blood pressure

Hello, I am 24 years old and have a moderate to severe mitral valve insufficiency and an AVNRT (both are monitored semi-annually). I am aware that I suffer from low blood pressure (usually around 110/65/70) and have not fainted so far, but occasional...

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Are circulatory disorders visible in the ECG?

Dear experts, I am a 35-year-old female and have been a non-smoker for a year now (due to these complaints). I have been experiencing heart problems for many months. Over time, they have worsened and become more frequent, particularly occurring duri...

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Poor laboratory values

Hello. Ten years ago, I had 120 cm of small intestine removed in an emergency surgery due to an accident (ileum above the ileocecal valve) and a mesenteric tear in the area of the sigmoid colon was repaired. Additionally, there was a brief suspicion...

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Calcified arteries

Hello, I am 65 years old and a woman. I was in the clinic to have my eye pressure measured due to glaucoma. The senior doctor there looked into my eyes and said, "I don't want to scare you, but your veins are at risk for stroke and heart attack." My ...

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High blood pressure due to fear of measuring

Hello Doctor, I am a sometimes very anxious person and take Venlafaxine and Notrilen in higher dosages for anxiety and depression. At other times, I am more of a funny guy and sometimes a bit of a daredevil. However, when it comes to illnesses, I a...

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Dear Dr. Höllering, I am 28 years old, so not yet over 50, but I cannot explain why this is happening. It usually gets better after 5-10 minutes, but I always get a bit anxious. Today, for example, I had it after smoking a cigarette, I felt so stran...

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Heart blood values rhythm disturbances

Dear Dr. Hoelling, As I have already mentioned in another question, I experienced heart palpitations twice, and I would like to show you my blood test results. According to my doctor, my values are completely normal, except for my blood being slight...

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Pulse blood pressure

Hello dear medical team, I have another question regarding my heart rate. For a while now, I have had a resting pulse of 49-55 and a blood pressure of 100/50 in the evening while lying on the sofa. Is this dangerous? I am an athlete, playing football...

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Hyperreactive bronchial system

Good evening, Last week, a precursor of asthma and a hyperreactive bronchial system were diagnosed with me. Symptoms/complaints: Regularly phlegm in the mornings without coughing, severe heartburn (sometimes I can feel the stomach acid rising in my ...

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Dear Sir or Madam, Are my medications (Lamictal & Topamax for epilepsy) to blame for my inability to lose weight, even though I regularly exercise, eat protein products in the evening, and also do strength and muscle building training? Instead of l...

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Relief through salt

Hello, I have been suffering from various physical and cognitive symptoms for years. I have noticed that my athletic performance can be immediately improved by consuming salt. Not like endurance athletes who want to prevent a deficiency, but for me, ...

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blood pressure

Hello, I have a question regarding my blood pressure. I have always had low blood pressure, as far as I know. My question is whether it is too low, if it is dangerous, if I need to be concerned, or if I should discuss it with my doctor. At complet...

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stitch in the side

Hello, the hypochondriac again ;-) I often have problems with bloating, which I always associated with moderate intestinal cramps. I have recently noticed that I have mild pains similar to side stitches, sometimes on the right and sometimes on the le...

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Hormone therapy

Hello dear team, I am a male who has been independently taking female hormones for 4 months (4mg of estradiol as a dosage gel, still without Androcur). Now I am looking for a doctor within a 50 km radius in the areas of Giessen, Marburg, Fulda, who ...

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Nausea for several weeks

I am male, 47 years old and I pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. I don't smoke, drink alcohol, or coffee, and I have a balanced diet. I am in a stable relationship and have zero stress. I do endurance training 4 times a week. For a few weeks now ...

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Strength training in aortic valve insufficiency

Hello, Maybe my question would be better suited in cardiology but I'll ask it here anyway: About 12 years ago, I was diagnosed with aortic valve insufficiency (bicuspid aortic valve). In recent years, it has been classified as Grade 2 without any ch...

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Trigeminal neuralgia

Hello. I have been suffering from trigeminal neuralgia for several months, affecting the 2nd and 3rd branches of the trigeminal nerve. The medication with Novaminsulfon initially showed great success. However, now (after taking approximately 150ml) ...

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immune system

Hello, how can I effectively strengthen the immune system? Are Vitamin C with Zinc capsules helpful, or Echinacea? Best regards

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Pulling/Burning sensation in the chest area

Good morning, I have a very peculiar problem. Since last Tuesday, I have been experiencing a slight pulling or burning sensation in my left chest - but only when I haven't eaten or drunk anything for a while (about a quarter of an hour). When I take ...

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