
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Hyperreactive bronchial system

Good evening,

Last week, a precursor of asthma and a hyperreactive bronchial system were diagnosed with me. Symptoms/complaints: Regularly phlegm in the mornings without coughing, severe heartburn (sometimes I can feel the stomach acid rising in my throat), and unilateral lymph node swelling in the neck. The lung specialist said there are 2 possible causes for my bronchial system producing so much mucus: either pollen allergy or stomach problems. I should now not eat anything after 6pm and was referred back to my primary care physician.

Would a gastroscopy be appropriate now? Can this be "cured"? The lung specialist mentioned that the acid problem is difficult to control, medication (Omep, Pantoprazole) would not help in the long run, I would have to change my diet and ideally not eat anything after 6pm.

Does this mean I have to live with the symptoms for now? Or should I insist on medication?

Of course, I will also discuss this with my primary care physician, but it takes time to get an appointment and in the meantime, I have to continue to deal with the symptoms. What about the lymph node? Should I insist on further examinations in this regard? Only the statement "there is inflammation, so lymph nodes swell" always came up. Is this statement correct? I am probably just getting worked up, but this stomach/bronchial problem has been going on since last year and now a diagnosis has finally been made, but I still can't do anything about it properly.

Please provide a brief assessment of the situation. Female, 30 years old

Thank you.

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Good evening,

I am happy to help.

Yes, it can be cured. I currently do not think a gastroscopy is necessary. However, it is important to treat with a gastric protector such as Omeprazole/Pantoprazole to reduce acid production, as prescribed to you. And yes, you should definitely change your diet (reduce coffee, sweets, acidic, salty, spicy foods, and preferably no alcohol). Then the symptoms will improve quickly.
It's strange that you need an appointment with your primary care physician. A primary care physician should work without appointment scheduling and also accept and treat urgent cases, like yours, without an appointment.
I would suggest observing and waiting for the lymph node in case of inflammation/infection. It usually improves on its own after a few weeks, sometimes even after months.
Do not worry, asthma can be well treated, especially since it is an early form for you (hyperreactive bronchial system).
Try to reduce stress, relax, and engage in endurance sports, which significantly improves heart, circulation, and breathing.
Please do not worry.

All the best and a speedy recovery!

Best regards,

Dr. K. Hamann

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann


Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bin ich in der Medizin tätig. Als Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin helfe ich in meiner Praxis meinen Patienten.

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