Sore throat after an esophagus examination.
Good day,
Eleven days ago, I asked Dr. Höllering about an upcoming gastroscopy. I have now had the procedure, but unfortunately I have been experiencing new problems since then.
Since the gastroscopy, I have been experiencing severe swallowing pain behind my sternum. It occurs when food goes down, but also about 4-5 seconds after swallowing (this pain feels like pressure and comes in waves). This pain that occurs a few seconds after swallowing even happens when I only swallow saliva.
On the paper I had to sign before the procedure, there was no mention of potential pain in the esophagus after swallowing.
It has been two and a half days since the procedure, which is 60 hours. My question is, is this a common occurrence and within the normal range, or do I need to undergo a second gastroscopy because something went wrong during the first one? It's worth mentioning that a biopsy was taken during the procedure.
Thank you in advance for your response.