Problems with the liver?
For weeks I have been feeling a slight pulling and pressure sensation on the right lower rib cage, in the area of the liver so to speak. I am afraid that this pressure sensation is coming from the liver. I have a fatty liver, that is known. I am overweight.
Two weeks ago I had my liver values checked, which were all normal. (GOT/ASAT 26, GPT/ALAT 43, GGT, Gamma GT 39). Furthermore, I have been tested for Hepatitis, HepB and HepC, and the values are negative. (Only my HepB from 25 years ago can be seen in the blood).
I also had an ultrasound of my liver done. I must say that the doctor did it very quickly, he was done with the ultrasound in 2 minutes. He also did not find anything.
I always feel tired and sometimes weak. It could of course also be due to the weather.
Should I be worried? Are these examinations sufficient? Are there any other examinations I should do, like an MRI?
I also have cervical spine issues.
Thank you very much.