26.10.2020 | answered by David Meyer
Good evening!
My smartwatch (Fitbit Sense) can write a single-channel EKG on request. It works well so far. This morning, it showed atrial fibrillation. Just to be on the safe side, I would like to have it checked by a doctor. I have attached the EKG...
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31.03.2020 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for your help! I am 39 years old, female, and have been experiencing recurrent thromboses for 5 years. My left and right lower legs as well as my left upper arm have been affected in the past. Most recently, I had multip...
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26.03.2020 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
Is hypospermia a problem when trying to get pregnant, or is the quantity not important?
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05.03.2020 | answered by Hans-Jürgen Bartels
Good day. A little about me: I am male and 27 years old. In 2017, I noticed a fine black line on the fingernail of my right index finger, running from the tip of the nail down. It was not even 2mm long and very narrow, less than 0.2mm, taking up less...
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09.02.2020 | answered by Frauke Gehring
My mother, for unreasonable reasons, refuses to go to a doctor (due to various fears) so I am asking for advice here:
For about 2 weeks now, she has been experiencing stomach problems; it starts about 30 minutes to 1 hour after eating. She des...
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17.01.2020 | answered by Felix Aaslepp
I was diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis (right leg) in August 2019. I was prescribed blood thinning tablets (Eliquis) and thrombosis stockings. I was supposed to take the tablets and wear the stockings for 6 months, so the therapy ends at...
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03.01.2020 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I have a question regarding melatonin and its influence on blood pressure. I am currently suffering from sleep disturbances. That's why I took a herbal remedy last night (Green Doc Quick Sleep Capsules), which contains lemon balm and melatoni...
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21.12.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
for several months now, I have been experiencing dizziness attacks every day. After visiting the doctor multiple times, he mentioned that it could be caused by stress.
At my request, an MRI was done on my head and also on my cervical spine. ...
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08.11.2019 | answered by Hans-Jürgen Bartels
I noticed a small lump next to my knee about 2 weeks ago, which was painful to touch. Just before that, I was jogging as usual. The pain lasted for about a week. My primary care doctor referred me to a phlebologist, who was also unsure and sent me fo...
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17.10.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
A very very important friend of ours was diagnosed with lung cancer 11 months ago. Surgery was no longer an option. He had metastases in his head as well as in his hip bones. The metastases were treated with radiation. Immunotherapy did not work. For...
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24.09.2019 | answered by Alexander Franz
I had a septoplasty done. Attached is a picture from one week after the surgery, splints already removed.
As you can see, the (from the front) right nostril is still smaller than the left - due to this small "bump". When I went to the ENT, this seve...
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01.09.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Dear Sir or Madam,
Due to a lack of time at work, I held back my bowel movement on Thursday afternoon, which resulted in me suffering from constipation on Thursday night and having to strain extremely hard during my trip to the toilet for several mi...
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12.08.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Dear Dr. Gehring,
I have another question regarding the "slightly elevated polyphases" in the fasciculating muscle. Are these an indication of reinnervation processes, and if so, where do they come from?
Furthermore, I read in a Thieme-Verlag textboo...
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09.08.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Dear Dr. Gehring,
Thank you for your response to my inquiry about muscle twitching. So far, nothing abnormal has been found in the EMG, ENG, and other tests, and there are no signs of paralysis. Only a certain stiffness in the hands and a tension sen...
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09.08.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Muscle twitching
I had already inquired about a slightly elevated polyphasic rate in a muscle of the right calf, detected in the EMG, and received a response. Unfortunately, there were technical difficulties with the follow-up question, so I am askin...
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08.08.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
I was diagnosed with a thrombosis in my left arm (subclavian vein) three months ago. It was also determined that I had previously had two older thromboses (axillary vein and cephalic vein). The D Dimer value at the time of discovering the thrombosis ...
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15.04.2019 | answered by Michael Schröter
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am concerned about my friend's fertility. As we have a desire to have children, I would like to know the following:
My friend takes a bath approximately 4-5 times a week for about 45 minutes at around 40 degrees Celsius. He enjo...
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04.04.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
after a long search and ruling out sugar and other causes, it was determined that my igG3 value is too low at 19.5.
The other values are igG-1 = 16, igG-2 = 31, igG-4 = 164.
A few weeks ago, a Vitamin D deficiency (10) was also detected. Th...
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06.03.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Ten years ago, I had 120 cm of small intestine removed in an emergency surgery due to an accident (ileum above the ileocecal valve) and a mesenteric tear in the area of the sigmoid colon was repaired. Additionally, there was a brief suspicion...
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19.02.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I have been taking Paroxetine for 6 months. Lately, I have to admit that I have been drinking alcohol quite regularly. Sometimes even a bit too much!
My question is: Could it be that the medication is not working as a result of this? There ar...
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17.11.2018 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
Good morning,
I have had these raised redness on my neck for 2-3 days. The cause is unknown. The area is sensitive to touch, but not otherwise painful. It has not changed in size or appearance in the last 1-2 days. About 4 cm below, a lymph node is s...
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31.10.2018 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I have been getting a blood test done every year for at least 10 years (now 47) (original reason: thyroid after surgery). The values are always roughly the same (weight during this time between 85 and 97 kg at 173 cm):
- HbA1c between 5.2-5.6. (no tr...
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14.09.2018 | answered by Hans-Jürgen Bartels
Dear Doctor,
For the past 2 years, I have had a pretty bad blood count and none of my primary care doctors seem to want to help, which seems very suspicious to me. More and more issues are arising, but no progress is being made.
I have now reached ...
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24.08.2018 | answered by Felix Aaslepp
Good morning,
Yesterday I received the results of a blood test, in which the following values were significantly elevated:
GOT 165
GPT 89
LDH 317
This surprised me greatly, as I do not consume alcohol or drugs.
However, my general practitioner did...
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25.05.2018 | answered by Felix Aaslepp
I am 30 years old and have been suffering from osteochondritis dissecans in both ankles since my youth. The right ankle is now symptom-free. The left ankle underwent surgery in 2011 (retrograde drilling), Microfracture surgery with ligamentoplasty in...
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