
Ask a doctor on the topic of Dermatology

Red spots on the neck

Good morning,
I have had these raised redness on my neck for 2-3 days. The cause is unknown. The area is sensitive to touch, but not otherwise painful. It has not changed in size or appearance in the last 1-2 days. About 4 cm below, a lymph node is swollen, tender to the touch, and movable. About 1-2 years ago, I had a mild case of eczema on my feet, which has since healed and not recurred. I am 47 years old, male, non-smoker, non-drinker, and have a healthy and balanced diet. I have no work-related stress and maintain good hygiene.
What could it be?

Dr. med. Ive Dr. Schaaf

After looking at the pictures, it seems to me most likely to be insect bites or animal bites. There is an inflammatory reaction, hence the swollen lymph node.
Treatment: Locally with something disinfectant like Betadine ointment, only if the lymph node swelling increases and a red line = lymphangitis, one would opt for an antibiotic, preferably a cephalosporin.
If you want to have it checked out over the weekend, you can contact an emergency practice by dialing 116 117.

Get well soon!

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Experte für Dermatology

Dr. med. Ive Dr. Schaaf