Septoplasty performed - nasal septum still crooked in the visible area.
I had a septoplasty done. Attached is a picture from one week after the surgery, splints already removed.
As you can see, the (from the front) right nostril is still smaller than the left - due to this small "bump". When I went to the ENT, this severe asymmetry was the reason for the consultation. During sports or when breathing in energetically through the nose, the right nostril is often completely blocked due to the small cross-section and suction.
Now apparently the septum has been corrected (I can't really see it...) but the nasal septum is anything but straight in the front area. When I mentioned this to the doctor, he said that it could only be assessed in a few months. Was that an evasion or could it really be that this misalignment will balance out during the healing process? I have always had bad experiences with waiting and would like to inquire if the doctor simply messed up here and "forgot" about this part.