Left-sided unilateral complaints in mouth and throat
I have been experiencing discomfort in the mouth/throat area for about 3 weeks. The symptoms seem to be present from the uvula downwards, until about 1cm below the chin (so from where the neck starts, about 1cm downwards). The main complaints consist of very mild swallowing difficulties on the left side, which also occur quite irregularly and hardly ever during eating and drinking. Rather, they occur during speaking, especially when the throat muscles are more strained, at least that's how it seems to me. Additionally, the left ear also sometimes hurts very slightly. Since yesterday, possibly due to tension, the left jaw or the left row of teeth also seem slightly irritated.
It all started when I slept naked for a few days and it was relatively cool in the evenings. I didn't catch a cold, but I did develop typical sore throat symptoms in the pharynx, which moved a bit deeper 2-3 days later and since then developed into the described symptoms. 1 1/2 weeks later, I visited the general practitioner, who only noticed a red throat and asked if I wanted a prescription for antibiotics or if I preferred to continue trying home remedies.
I don't have a cough, hoarseness, a feeling of foreign bodies, or anything similar in my throat. The volume and sound of my voice during speaking seem unchanged to me, and others also say that I don't sound different. The areas that slightly hurt when swallowing or performing swallowing-like actions feel slightly irritated, but it is so slight that it could just be my imagination. The uvula arch on the left side is still slightly reddened.
I have also made an appointment with an ENT specialist on 6/9, but I feel quite uncertain, so I wanted to gather some information here beforehand. I am quite afraid that it might be something malignant in the end, because with such long-lasting symptoms, it could always be a possibility, even though it seems quite unlikely in my case. I am 28, do not smoke, drink very little alcohol, and generally have a healthy diet. That's why I would like to know what else could be causing these symptoms.