Pain in the throat-jaw area
For about three weeks now, I have been experiencing symptoms that are worrying me. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a doctor's appointment in a timely manner, so I would like to confirm here beforehand whether I should possibly exert more pressure.
I am 37 years old and have been suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and associated reflux for several years. Whenever I have severe reflux, I especially feel a pulling sensation in the area of my larynx, pulling into my jaw (front and side) in the mornings. Usually, this goes away quickly and disappears completely when the reflux is gone.
The last time, the problems persisted. They are now getting weaker, but they are still there. I hardly have any reflux anymore, but I am currently still taking Omep once a day. In addition, I have a feeling of having a slight lump in my throat on the right side. This feeling varies in intensity. In addition, when palpating the larynx, I noticed that the right side feels thicker than the left. The pain is currently primarily on the right side. However, I do not feel like my lymph nodes are enlarged. Also, my jaw on the same side feels tense. Sometimes it feels like I have a dull sensation in my right ear as well.
Within the last two weeks, I also had two colds. However, the described problem was already there before. I am not sure if there is a connection here.
Should I push for an earlier appointment regarding this issue, or would it be sufficient to have it checked out in the upcoming weeks?
Best regards,