
Ask a doctor on the topic of Otorhinolaryngology

Dr. med. Jörgen Kohl

Dear inquirer,

Without having seen a picture, it most likely sounds like an aphthous ulcer.

Try to get a disinfecting mouthwash, for example with chlorhexidine, at the pharmacy. Furthermore, a pain-relieving mouth gel, for example with lidocaine, is recommended.

Get well soon!

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Experte für Otorhinolaryngology

Dr. med. Jörgen Kohl

Dr. med. Jörgen Kohl


Klinisch tätiger Oberarzt für HNO-Heilkunde. Promotion zum Thema Schmerztherapie nach HNO-Eingriffen. Jahrelange Tätigkeit in der Beratung für implantierbare Hörsysteme.

Expert knowledge:
  • Otorhinolaryngology
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