08.03.2020 | answered by David Meyer
As a diabetic with poorly controlled diabetes, I always expected that I would eventually suffer from erectile problems. I had accepted this for myself. However, it all started over 10 years ago in the following way. I no longer experienced ejaculatio...
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05.03.2020 | answered by Hans-Jürgen Bartels
Good day. A little about me: I am male and 27 years old. In 2017, I noticed a fine black line on the fingernail of my right index finger, running from the tip of the nail down. It was not even 2mm long and very narrow, less than 0.2mm, taking up less...
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09.02.2020 | answered by Frauke Gehring
My mother, for unreasonable reasons, refuses to go to a doctor (due to various fears) so I am asking for advice here:
For about 2 weeks now, she has been experiencing stomach problems; it starts about 30 minutes to 1 hour after eating. She des...
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23.01.2020 | answered by Felix Aaslepp
Dear Sir or Madam, is the hair growth product Propecia (Finasteride 1mg) related to polycythemia? Thank you for your response.
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03.01.2020 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I have a question regarding melatonin and its influence on blood pressure. I am currently suffering from sleep disturbances. That's why I took a herbal remedy last night (Green Doc Quick Sleep Capsules), which contains lemon balm and melatoni...
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21.12.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
for several months now, I have been experiencing dizziness attacks every day. After visiting the doctor multiple times, he mentioned that it could be caused by stress.
At my request, an MRI was done on my head and also on my cervical spine. ...
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08.11.2019 | answered by Hans-Jürgen Bartels
I noticed a small lump next to my knee about 2 weeks ago, which was painful to touch. Just before that, I was jogging as usual. The pain lasted for about a week. My primary care doctor referred me to a phlebologist, who was also unsure and sent me fo...
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01.11.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have been following a Low Carb High Fat diet for about 2.5 weeks now in order to lose some weight and eat healthier. My daily caloric intake should be 1691 kcal, with 103g of protein and 109g of fat. Sometimes these values are a ...
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22.10.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
For several years I have been drinking alcohol daily. About 0.3 liters per day. My liver values are very high, GGT at around 250. Since I cannot immediately stop completely, I would like to only drink on 2-3 days a week from now on. My theoretical qu...
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15.10.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Good evening,
my name is Tim, I am writing regarding my fiancée Ayessa (25 years old).
She has an MRI report (4 months old, unfortunately only received today) with the assessment: Right temporo-basal 3.7 x 2.1 x 1.7 cm measuring, most likely an arac...
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11.10.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
the story of the contaminated milk is currently going around. I have been experiencing recurring seconds of dizziness for the past two days, and today I realized that I used the affected milk for my coffee in the mornings. Since yesterday even...
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23.09.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Hello, I am currently concerned about the following: Lately, I have been struggling a lot with constantly worrying about my health. I am currently trying to change this with the help of a psychotherapist, but I simply want to clarify a few concerns I...
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18.09.2019 | answered by Ralf Berg
Dear experts,
I am a 35-year-old female and have been a non-smoker for a year now (due to these complaints). I have been experiencing heart problems for many months. Over time, they have worsened and become more frequent, particularly occurring duri...
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03.09.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I am feeling a bit uncertain as I have an appointment to have a wisdom tooth extracted this evening, which has been causing me pain for a while. I am a migraine patient, and the day before yesterday I started experiencing mild recurring headac...
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01.09.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Dear Sir or Madam,
Due to a lack of time at work, I held back my bowel movement on Thursday afternoon, which resulted in me suffering from constipation on Thursday night and having to strain extremely hard during my trip to the toilet for several mi...
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23.08.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I had a severe bronchitis in March that lasted for over 2 months. Unfortunately, during this time I continued to smoke my electronic cigarette, which of course slowed down the healing process. Eventually it got better, but since then I have been expe...
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21.08.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I am 24 years old and suffer from persistent constipation with hard stool. My internist prescribed me Movicol, which I have been taking since this morning (1 sachet in the morning, 1 in the evening). I also received an enema kit for home use. ...
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09.08.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
Hello! About 3 years ago, I discovered a black, very fine stripe on my fingernail. It didn't even cover a third of my index finger and was not even 0.5mm wide, more like 0.2mm.
It was there for about 2 years and disappeared as soon as it was cut off...
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09.08.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Muscle twitching
I had already inquired about a slightly elevated polyphasic rate in a muscle of the right calf, detected in the EMG, and received a response. Unfortunately, there were technical difficulties with the follow-up question, so I am askin...
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08.08.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
I was diagnosed with a thrombosis in my left arm (subclavian vein) three months ago. It was also determined that I had previously had two older thromboses (axillary vein and cephalic vein). The D Dimer value at the time of discovering the thrombosis ...
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08.08.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Dear Dr. Gehring,
I suffer from generalized fasciculations. EMGs have been inconspicuous so far, now with persistent fasciculation in the right calf there are no spontaneous activities, but a slightly increased polyphasic rate in the myotome at the r...
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30.07.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
I have an evaluation from a radiologist (MRI of the head) and would like to try to understand the diagnosis to some extent:
Patient Male. Born 27.02.1946
Slightly enlarged brain sulci. Average interhemispheric fissure. The ventricular system is aver...
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03.07.2019 | answered by Felix Aaslepp
Good day,
I was diagnosed with mild gastritis type C of the antrum mucosa with small focus intestinal metaplasia, HP-negative, and minimal chronic inactive corpus gastritis, HP-negative, as well as mild non-erosive reflux esophagitis without evidenc...
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24.05.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I am 8 weeks pregnant and streptococci of group A were detected in a throat swab.
I had severe sore throat and mild ear pain. I have been taking Isocillin 1.2 Mega three times a day for 3.5 days.
I have been pain-free for three days. However, I fee...
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21.04.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
According to the hospital, I am suffering from a viral infection (suddenly got chills and nausea on Tuesday) and went to the emergency room with a fever of 39.5, where they admitted me. Blood tests showed nothing unusual. I was treated with paracetam...
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