
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

What should I do? First a missed abortion and now an ectopic pregnancy!


I have the following problem: In May '10, unfortunately, I had a miscarriage in the 9th week of pregnancy, diagnosed as a missed abortion. Subsequently, a dilation and curettage was performed. In November '10, I was pregnant again and was already looking forward to everything going well this time - but once again, it was not to be. This time it was an ectopic pregnancy on the right side, so a laparoscopy was performed and everything was removed, but the fallopian tube was preserved.

Since about 11 years ago, I had a tuboovarian abscess on the left side, which was also surgically treated, I have to assume that both fallopian tubes are more or less damaged now.

My gynecologist has now referred me to the fertility clinic in Munich to determine to what extent there is still fallopian tube patency before we try for a third time.

This whole situation is taking a toll on me psychologically and I am now 31 years old and nothing do I want more than a baby. But all these surgeries and difficulties are really taking a toll on me.

I would be interested to know what your advice would be on what to do next or how to proceed further.

Kind regards.

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Experte für Gynecology

Uni-Arzt Freddy Feuerstein