
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

2 months no period pimples weight gain

2 months without a period, it started again a week ago. Now pimples - acne are also appearing. Menstruation has been very irregular for a good year. Since then, I have also gained weight (10 kg). I moved from Brazil to Austria and have been living in Switzerland for 2 months now. I eat normally. I have also tried a diet. Nothing has worked. The acne is so bad, it's really painful. It would be nice if someone could give me a tip. I wanted to see a doctor in Brazil on vacation in 2 months. Thank you.

Dr. med. Ralf Berg

Dear inquirer,

For a truly good consultation, there are still a lot of details missing here (age, taking the pill? etc). Additionally, at least in Germany, it would not be possible to try the therapy suggested below for acne, as all medications here are prescription-only. Perhaps it is different in Austria or Switzerland.
My advice:
For a purely symptomatic treatment of acne, it has proven effective to address the issue both with tablets from the inside, as well as with ointment and gel from the outside. A skin-friendly antibiotic is used, hence a prescription is necessary. For example, medications can be used both as tablets and as a skin gel (e.g. Skid, Skinoderm, Duac, Eryaknen).
Regarding the causes of menstrual irregularities, no statement can be made. A gynecological examination is the basis for further recommendations. Also, a contraceptive pill that one does not tolerate could be the cause of acne.
With many greetings, Dr. r. Berg

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Experte für Gynecology

Dr. med. Ralf Berg

Dr. med. Ralf Berg


Studium an der Universität Freiburg
Promotion überdas Monitoring bei Narkosen Universität Freiburg.
Facharztausbildung zum Anästhesisten und FA für Allgemeinmedizin in Freiburg und Hamburg,
Vorlesungsassisten am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeinmedizin an der Uni Hamburg

Rettungsdienstliche Tätigkeiten in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen und in der Schweiz.

Seit 1998 in eigener Praxis niedergelassen, Nebentätigkeit als Anästhesist und Notdienstätigkeit in Kliniken und ambulant. Leitung von Fortbildungs- und Qualitätszirkeln, Mitglied im DHÄV und der AGSWN, Qualitätszirkel Moderator, Forschungspraxis der Universität Heidelberg , Ausbildungspraxis für Allgemeinmedizin im Rahmen der Verbundweiterbildung der Uni Heidelberg

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  • General medicine
  • Anesthesiology
  • Internal medicine
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