
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

No period for 1 year and desire to have children

I have always had the 3-month injection, the last one I received was on March 3rd, 2010! Shortly after, we found out that my husband is infertile, so I stopped getting the injections because we no longer needed to use contraception. It has been almost 1 year and I still have not had a period. Now, my husband and I want to have a child. We went to the fertility center where the doctor told me that it could take up to 1 year for my period to return! Since my husband does not have any live sperm, we have already decided to use a sperm donation! Now I would like to know how much it will cost us! An insemination with donor sperm would then be performed.

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Experte für Gynecology

Uni-Arzt Freddy Feuerstein