
Ask a doctor on the topic of Urology


Red spot on the outside of the penis since last night. Hepatitis B, syphilis, and herpes home tests were negative 1 week ago. The spot occasionally burns slightly and itches when touched.

4 weeks ago, I gave oral sex to 2 transgender individuals with a condom, and one of them masturbated me without a condom.

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

STD rather unlikely. Keep an eye on the spot and apply some Betadine ointment locally. If in doubt, get new tests done (in a laboratory)!

Best regards

Dr. T. Kreutzig-Langenfeld

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Experte für Urology

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Koblenz am Rhein

Urologe mit universitärer Ausbildung un jahrelanger Erfahrung im Fach Urologie. Spezielle Erfahrung In den Bereichen Andrologie, Hormone und Erektionsstörungen.
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