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Tight underwear Varicocele


Due to my varicocele, I am unable to wear tight underwear. Even if the underwear is slightly tight, the varicocele swells and causes me pain.

I don't experience varicocele pain when I wear loose underwear. However, my glans rubs against the underwear, which is also very uncomfortable. Although I am not circumcised, my glans is slightly exposed and very sensitive. Do you have any ideas on what I can do? I have considered wearing a nylon penis sock and no underwear instead.®-Penisstrumpf-Masturbation-Selbstbefriedigung-geschlossen/dp/B075TB6HML/ref=sr_1_12?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=1YH3J5UKUBIPW&keywords=penis+socke&qid=1652883054&sprefix=penissocke%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-12

Is it safe to do this or will it restrict airflow to the penis?

Thank you in advance.

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Tight underwear usually has a rather positive effect on varicocele. The penis can be locally cared for with ointment. The fabric of the socks you showed should also allow enough air to pass through.

Best regards,

Dr. T. Kreutzig

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Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Koblenz am Rhein

Urologe mit universitärer Ausbildung un jahrelanger Erfahrung im Fach Urologie. Spezielle Erfahrung In den Bereichen Andrologie, Hormone und Erektionsstörungen.
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