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Treatment for gonorrhea without follow-up examination

A few years ago I had a suspicion of gonorrhea (unprotected oral sex, discharge on the glans).
As it was on the weekend, I immediately went to the outpatient department of the hospital where I received two antibiotics (1x by infusion, 1x as tablets I think 3x a day for 1 or 2 days).
The symptoms were then gone. However, a follow-up examination was never done.

A year later I had a hernia which was operated on. (Net placed) Since that time (about 2 years) I have sometimes felt a kind of pulling in my right testicle. But there is no pain, just a slight pulling occasionally.

I am not sure now if this is simply a consequence of the hernia (which was also on the right side) or if it could still be related to the gonorrhea? (as mentioned, the treatment was never monitored by a laboratory test, the symptoms just disappeared).

I am concerned because I have read that gonorrhea can also lead to infertility if left untreated, and whether this slight pulling occasionally could still be related to it?

How likely is infertility with an incomplete treatment but without symptoms or pain?

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

You can assume that the gonorrhea has been adequately treated and has not left any consequences if the treatment has been done as described by you. The current complaints are unlikely to be related to the gonorrhea.

Best regards

Dr. T. Kreutzig-Langenfeld

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Experte für Urology

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Koblenz am Rhein

Urologe mit universitärer Ausbildung un jahrelanger Erfahrung im Fach Urologie. Spezielle Erfahrung In den Bereichen Andrologie, Hormone und Erektionsstörungen.
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