
Ask a doctor on the topic of Urology

Can one determine from the blood whether the left or right kidney is not producing enough urine?

Can it be determined from the blood whether the left or right kidney is not producing enough urine?

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Hello and a good evening,

Unfortunately, such a statement is not possible based on a blood test. A laboratory test cannot assess the performance of a single kidney (left/right). In this case, an ultrasound examination may provide some clues. A precise differentiation is only possible in an isotopic nephrogram.

Best regards,
Dr. T. Kreutzig-Langenfeld

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Experte für Urology

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Koblenz am Rhein

Urologe mit universitärer Ausbildung un jahrelanger Erfahrung im Fach Urologie. Spezielle Erfahrung In den Bereichen Andrologie, Hormone und Erektionsstörungen.
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