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Red rash on glans and foreskin


for about 5-6 weeks I have had a reddish rash that appears in a spotted form on the glans and foreskin (circled in yellow in the photos). I would like to know what is causing this. As is typical for such a rash, it occasionally itches or feels tight quite unpleasantly. Could this possibly be a type of balanitis that could be treated with cortisone, or am I on the wrong track? I have been applying Clotrimazole to the affected areas 3 times a day for almost three weeks, but it seems to have no effect. When showering, I avoid excessive hygiene and only gently clean in the morning and evening.

Here are the photos:

...Unfortunately, in my area, I only have one urologist, whom I have lost trust in. Three years ago, I visited him "multiple times" because of the white "something" on the tip of my glans (marked in blue), and he would always prescribe me an expensive ointment that I should diligently apply, which ultimately did not help at all. Perhaps someone could also provide me with a hint regarding what this could be. I have had this for ages. It doesn't really bother me, it just looks unsightly.

Thank you very much in advance for answering my question.

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

It is a so-called balanitis, which can also have a persistent course.

Treatment for redness: Apply a 1:1 mixture of povidone-containing ointment and panthenol ointment 2-3 times a day (available at the pharmacy). In between, always wash thoroughly (with acidic soaps) and dry very well (with a hairdryer).

For prevention, always take good care. Best with special intimate care products containing microsilver.

Best regards

Dr. T. Kreutzig-Langenfeld

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Experte für Urology

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Dr. Med. Thomas Kreutzig

Koblenz am Rhein

Urologe mit universitärer Ausbildung un jahrelanger Erfahrung im Fach Urologie. Spezielle Erfahrung In den Bereichen Andrologie, Hormone und Erektionsstörungen.
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