Pill after thrombosis due to immobilization?
Dear Dr. Schaaf,
In October 2015, as a result of immobilization due to a foot fracture, despite receiving Clexane (40mg daily at that time with a body weight of 83kg and height of 1.65m - I have since lost 10kg), I developed a thrombosis in the fibular vein. Treatment: 3 months of compression and Xarelto. The final examination showed complete recanalization of the affected vein.
After the diagnosis of the thrombosis, I immediately stopped taking the contraceptive pill. I am now 31 years old and have been taking the pill since I was 15 without interruption and without any problems (never smoked in my life!). Most recently, I was taking Belara for many years (previously Valette and Neo-Eunomin for my acne).
The different opinions of my treating angiologist and my gynecologist have still not left me at peace, which is why I am seeking your advice today. While my treating angiologist said that the pill could not have been the cause of the thrombosis after such a long time and there was no reason to stop it - the thrombosis was solely due to the immobilization and exacerbated by my overweight (as I mentioned, I have lost about 10kg). My gynecologist advised me to have a Factor V Leiden test (result: negative!) and told me that the pill is now off-limits for me.
What is your opinion on this?
Since I now have a new, steady partner, I long for the pill again and think back to the conflicting opinions of both doctors. Condoms (even though I am currently using them for contraception) and NFP are not for me - I feel too insecure. And the thought of getting a copper IUD inserted scares me, as I am very sensitive to pain and even routine visits to the gynecologist are very painful for me.
Kind regards & thank you in advance!
Ann-Kristin W.
PS: You will probably recommend discussing this issue with my gynecologist. However, my "problem" is that in June of this year, due to work reasons, I moved from Germany to Switzerland and have not yet found new doctors.