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Elevated ANA's - Lupus? Issue for ICSI?

I'm not sure which group of doctors I should ask right now. I was overwhelmed today with a 3-page lab report and I'm trying to figure it out.

I am 29 years old. AMH 5.7.

We are planning an ICSI due to OAT and I have an "egg maturation disorder", heterozygous Factor V Leiden, and now elevated ANA's (it says borderline, but it worries me that I have any at all).

Unfortunately, I can't upload all the blood test results here. Here are some links:

I'm already afraid that I will reject everything because of the ANA's.... borderline (1:100) exactly and the pattern is granular, cytofluorescence (the blood test result is spread over 2 pages, you have to look closely).
Then I read that it could indicate Lupus. I have no symptoms at all. Is there any way I can have this Lupus ruled out privately in the lab?

Right now, I'm only supposed to get Intralipid, unfortunately no cortisone, and the coagulation specialist says I don't need heparin.

I'm a bit overwhelmed and would appreciate a response after reviewing my values and assessment.

I already believe that this will not work out.

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