
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Oxytocin and Chlormadinone

Hello. 3 weeks ago, I underwent a dilation and curettage procedure. Due to blood residues in the uterus, as well as an elevated HCG level, I was injected with Oxytocin intramuscularly yesterday. In addition, I am still taking Chlormadinon 2 mg until Tuesday.
How long does it take for both medications to be eliminated from my system so that I no longer have to worry about any side effects? Unfortunately, I couldn't find any specific information about the half-lives on the internet. Thank you very much.

Christian Welsch

Dear questioner, the effect of oxytocin is very short-term, so there should be no side effects by today. Chlormadion can trigger withdrawal bleeding 2-5 days after discontinuation, but after that there should be nothing else to expect. Do you have any questions? Regards, c.welsch

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Experte für Gynecology

Christian Welsch

Christian Welsch


niedergelassener HNO-Arzt und Notfallmediziner, seit 15 Jahren regelmäßige Mitarbeit im allgemeinmedizinischen Notdienst

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