Can chaste tree provide relief from pain?
March 22, 2013 | 15,00 EUR | answered by Christian Welsch
I have been taking monk's pepper for 14 days now. I have extreme lower abdominal pain and swollen, aching breasts. My period should come next week. I rule out pregnancy, as we only had sex once and used a condom, my partner also checked if it was intact. How can I stop the effects now so that these pains stop?? It should be noted that it can only come from the monk's pepper, because I have only had these pains since I started taking it. I only took it because it boosts my libido.
Dear inquirer,
When using monk's pepper, it can occasionally lead to itchy skin rashes. Rarely, complaints of the gastrointestinal tract with diarrhea, nausea, pain, as well as confusion or hallucinations have also been observed. If the dosage is too high, the sex drive can be reduced or even disappear.
Normally, monk's pepper is used to treat menstrual complaints, so it is used for lower abdominal pain and tense sensations in the chest. I think that your complaint may be triggered by an impending menstrual period and not by the monk's pepper. I cannot understand why you report a libido-enhancing effect, as it actually does the opposite in women. In men, it is said to have a low-dose stimulating effect. The half-life is stated to be 4-5 hours, so the side effects should disappear quickly after discontinuation.
If in doubt, please consult your gynecologist and have them clarify the origin of the complaints.
Do you have any questions? Get well soon. C. Welsch
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