
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Pap 4a


I am feeling quite desperate. On Tuesday, I received the information from my gynecologist that I have a PAP 4a. I already have a surgery appointment scheduled for next Thursday. I know that PAP 4a does not necessarily mean cancer, but I am still incredibly scared. From your experience, how likely is it that it is something worse?

I had a C-section 7 months ago, would the doctor have seen something here if I already had a very serious cancer? Can the gynecologist see if I have something very serious during the organ ultrasound?

Thank you.
Best regards

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Hello, I am happy to help you further.

Correct, Pap 4a does not mean cancer yet. This result should definitely be checked and examined again.

Then a tissue sample should be taken (conization), where a small cone is taken from the cervix, which can then be examined microscopically.

Advanced cancer would be visible on an ultrasound.

How far the cancer has progressed can be determined through ultrasound, repeat Pap smear / cytology, and possibly ThinPrep.

Do you have any questions about this? I am happy to help you further.

All the best and a speedy recovery!

Kind regards,

Dr. K. Hamann

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Experte für Gynecology

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann


Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bin ich in der Medizin tätig. Als Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin helfe ich in meiner Praxis meinen Patienten.

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