Genital area covered with white lumps
I am female, 22 years old.
Four months ago, I had the following symptoms: pressure in the lower abdomen, burning during urination. I was mistakenly treated for a urinary tract infection three times with antibiotics (InfectoTrimet, Ciprofloxacin, Cefuroxime). There were never any bacteria in the bladder.
Then I was referred to a gynecologist: The swab showed Staphylococcus aureus. I was given Cotrim 960mg - which did not help.
Then I went to the hospital because of abdominal pain, increased white blood cells were seen, the swab results are not yet known.
I was given Fluomicyn by the hospital. Initially, there was improvement, the burning sensation is not as strong anymore, but now the intimate area, the clitoris, is covered with large white chunks and yellowish traces of mucus. The vaginal entrance is also covered with white threads. What is this? I am really scared!
Photos are attached. Please take a look at them urgently!