4. Infection this year
I had a flu-like infection in January. Lasted for a week. In April, I had another one where I stayed at home for a week. I thought it was better than dragging it out. Not even 5 weeks later, another infection. Again with runny nose, weakness, rapid heartbeat, watery eyes, sneezing, etc. Only had a slight fever on the first day. Now, not even 2 weeks after "recovering," I'm starting to feel sick again! I already have phlegm in my throat and a burning sensation in my chest/throat.
Because the third infection worried me, I got tested for infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis) because I rarely come into contact with them due to my profession. Everything was fine. My blood test in April, which also included iron levels, was normal. I have been taking orthomol immun for 3 weeks.
Is this still normal? What else can I do? Should I get my blood drawn again? I eat a "normal" diet, am slim, and walk a lot at work. Yes, I have a lot of stress and also create some for myself. My gut has always been "irritated." I have had irritable bowel syndrome since I was young. I really don't know what else to do because it eventually becomes annoying and you feel like you're not being taken seriously. Would you take my blood again? If so, what values should be determined?