
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine

Pain in the area of the heart

I am male, 35 years old, and weigh 115kg at 198cm tall.
In the past few days, I have been experiencing a pain in the area of my heart. It occurs under my left breast and can be described as stabbing/pressing. However, it is localized and does not radiate. No other symptoms occurred at that time, except for an increased heart rate due to anxiety. It has occurred sporadically and lasted a maximum of 1 minute. My heart was examined in 2015 due to other symptoms (see attached report) and found to be healthy. I have researched that serious heart problems are usually localized behind the breastbone, radiate, and are of a different quality.

Could these pains radiate from the back/spine, or should I have this checked again?

Dr. med. Frauke Gehring


Despite your weight, coronary heart disease is extremely unlikely. However, I would still recommend getting your heart checked again if you smoke or have significantly elevated cholesterol levels. In that case, it would not be ruled out, although your pain sensation seems to be more related to a thoracic outlet syndrome. A characteristic of this syndrome is localized, stabbing pain. Heart pain is more dull and is accompanied by feelings of shortness of breath and tightness.

A stress ECG could already provide a good exclusion here.

I wish you all the best!

Warm regards, Dr. Gehring

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Experte für General medicine

Dr. med. Frauke Gehring

Dr. med. Frauke Gehring


Staatsexamen 1984 in Kiel, seit 1992 in eigener Praxis niedergelassen. Onlineberatung seit 2001 bei Almeda, Focus (als ärztliche Leiterin), Onmeda, Bild der Frau. Moderatorin, Dozentin für medizinische Themen.

Expert knowledge:
  • General medicine
  • Gynecology
  • Homeopathy / Naturopathy
  • Internal medicine
  • Neurology
  • Other questions to doctors
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