Response to Epipevisone - alternative?
February 4, 2011 | 20,00 EUR | answered by Dr. med. Ralf Berg
Good day,
I have been suffering from a burning sensation in the outer genital area for several weeks, which I believe was triggered by the use of a shower gel in the intimate area. After trying various home remedies such as Multilind ointment, olive oil, lactic acid gel, etc., I finally went to see a gynecologist. The doctor could not find any infection based on the swab test and prescribed me Linoladiol N. However, this cream actually intensified the burning sensation, so I only used it four times before going back to square one. After that, he prescribed me Epipevisone, as he suspected an inflammation that could be treated effectively with cortisone... Well, the cream worked well the first time I applied it, but the second time it caused a very strong burning sensation, to the point where I had to wash it off. I am now at my wit's end. Are there any alternatives to Epipevisone that are anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic, and do not further irritate the skin? What diagnostic procedures should be considered? Should I not just go straight to a dermatologist instead?
Thank you very much!
Dear patient,
Of course, it is difficult to assess a skin condition without inspection. However, I would like to try to explain the considerations behind it based on your very good description of the course so far, and give you advice on what I would do in your place. Skin conditions are often persistent, but you must not lose your nerves.
According to your statements, a shower gel was the trigger for your complaints. The skin in the genital area is thin and therefore much more sensitive than, for example, on the sole of the foot. Let's assume that there was actually an overstimulation at the beginning. Initially, you rightly resorted to home remedies, but it must be said that, with the exception of olive oil, for example, the Multilind ointment is by no means as gentle for the skin as is commonly believed, and your skin was further irritated. The fact that your gynecologist could not find any germs/fungi in the swab test speaks against an infection. In principle, the estrogen/cortisone (mild) ointment combination Linoladiol would be suitable for these complaints but... your skin was probably already overstimulated. Since the attempt with the Epipevision cream, a combination of cortisone and an antifungal agent, also went wrong, and as you correctly recognized, further irritated the skin, I consider the following approach worth trying for you:
1. No further diagnostics, the chances of finding something are very low after all the treatments.
2. Rest and a kind of therapy break for the skin, for example by the following procedure:
1. 2-3 days without any ointments, after cleaning with water, careful drying or blow-drying, and applying a little powder without additives (e.g. Fissan or Penaten baby powder, also works for the little ones with diaper dermatitis = overstimulated genital and anal skin).
2. From the fourth day onwards, care for the genital area with a pure care ointment (such as ash-based cream or Bepanthen cream for eyes).
Only if all of this does not lead to improvement within a week to 10 days, do I recommend you to see a dermatologist.
With all the above said, I rely on the fact that your complaints as described only exist in the external genital area, and not in the internal genital area!
With best wishes and speedy recovery,
R. Berg
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