schöne Haut können das Selbstbewusstsein stark beeinflussen. Es ist wichtig, auf die Hautpflege zu achten und spezielle Produkte zu verwenden, um Akne vorzubeugen und die Haut zu klären.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am 25 years old and have been suffering from "acne" and "blemished skin" for 9 years now. After being treated by a dermatologist for about 4 years and not being satisfied with the results, I fell for pretty much everything that one can fall for. From TV commercials to internet articles (of course for a lot of money!) and all kinds of natural remedies (from clay to home remedies), I tried it all. The list ranged from topical medications to tablets. Finally, I have been seeing a beautician for 6 months and even doing a deep peeling treatment (costing 500.00 euros) ... just to show you how desperate I am by now.
I always feel like I'm doing something wrong because the product descriptions promise improvement after a few weeks with "a lot" of patience. I can only say, unfortunately not in my case... Patience is not one of my strengths!
My problem: I have quite oily skin and when I come home from work and cleanse my skin with a facial care cotton ball, it is almost completely covered in dirt afterwards. Furthermore, I immediately notice a larger number of "new pimples, blackheads" than in the morning when I wake up.
(As a bank clerk, I deal with a lot of people... and it just looks unkempt when you show up with pimples and blemished skin... also, your appearance is naturally different.
I am by nature a very cheerful person, but if I don't look "beautiful" and "good" (skin-wise) then I sometimes don't even feel like going out in the evening or approaching girls.)
Another problem is when I come home from parties (I don't drink much alcohol, at most 2-3 beers on the weekend; non-smoker), my skin looks much worse and if there are pimples, they are immediately "huge" and take "14 days" to disappear. In my desperation, I try to cover them up as a "man" with makeup... which is actually completely crazy... but otherwise it's "a lot" too uncomfortable for me!! When it's really bad, I even take a day off for it!
Currently, I try to cleanse my skin in the morning with a "Seba-Med" cleansing set and then apply an anti-aging skincare set recommended by my beautician. I dab pus-filled pimples (after squeezing them) with alcohol to prevent excessive spread or multiplication of bacteria. I wash my face 3 times a day with warm and clear (cold) water. I use soap with a pH of 5.5 for my entire body. This has at least helped me control the acne on my back and chest area. Is there anything else I can do?
Would a "microdermabrasion treatment" be suitable? (It was recently featured on RTL2 in the news). I'm afraid to try anything else!!!
List of products used:
- Minakne, Differine, Sanoxit, Aknemycin, Vilantae, QMS, clay and many others
Pleeeeeeeease help me!!! Permanently
Oh, I have been epileptic since my 19th birthday and take "Valproat AWD" 500mg twice daily as extended-release tablets.
My goal: To permanently have no more pimples and blackheads on my whole body in the shortest possible time.
Nowadays, you can somehow "cure" everything, so acne shouldn't be a problem... but apparently too many people earn their money from it. However, enough money has already been made from me. My most urgent request: please help me.
Thank you for your efforts