The freckle has been itching for some time.
I have a mole at the transition between my shin and foot, which has been occasionally itching lightly in the last 3-4 weeks (not constantly, but 2-3 times a day for a few minutes). It's not the mole itself, but rather the surrounding area, especially about 1-2 cm to the left of it.
Occasionally, I also feel a slight pressure in the area, not directly on the mole, but rather slightly below it to the left (also sporadically).
The mole has a diameter of 4-5 millimeters and is relatively evenly shaped. It forms a slight bump. However, it is not irregular and the color is almost uniform (I have attached a picture, I hope the quality is sufficient for it to be meaningful).
It has not changed in size, shape, or color in the last 1-2 years.
Should I be worried about this mole?
I haven't been so far, but I found the slight itching strange.
Thank you in advance for your response!