Paying student loan for first studies to a country other than Germany while resident here
Hello, I am a Doctoral student(2020-present) residing in Düsseldorf. I am originally from Albania. In the period 01.09.2017-31.12.2019 I have worked as a scientific employee in a university in Germany from where I also got a second master degree (2015-2017). When I came to Germany, I had to pay back a student loan. The loan was for the first master studies completed in Norway (2012-2014) and I started paying it in August 2018 and payed most of it in 2020. This loan was actually a scholarship which "converted" to loan because I left my home country and came to Germany. That is, if I would have stayed back home I would not have to pay anything.
I was wondering if I could claim in the tax return for 2020 the amount payed or at least the interest.
I would be grateful if you could advise me in this situation. I have put on info that I thought it might be useful to explain my situation. I am sorry if it is too bothersome for you to read.