

Regular nerve pain

Dear Sir or Madam, I have a strange pain phenomenon that I cannot classify or adjust sensibly. It all started about 1.5 years ago: - Pain in the neck (at the level of the larynx) - Chest pain - Pain in front of the ear - Occasionally a pulling sen...

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Question Lupus

Hello Mrs. Gehring, once again I am unfortunately contacting you with a problem probably due to lupus. First of all, regarding the intake of the antibiotic - the sore throat ultimately went away, but of course, it may not have been wise to just take ...

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Are circulatory disorders visible in the ECG?

Dear experts, I am a 35-year-old female and have been a non-smoker for a year now (due to these complaints). I have been experiencing heart problems for many months. Over time, they have worsened and become more frequent, particularly occurring duri...

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Understandable explanation of the findings

I have an evaluation from a radiologist (MRI of the head) and would like to try to understand the diagnosis to some extent: Patient Male. Born 27.02.1946 Slightly enlarged brain sulci. Average interhemispheric fissure. The ventricular system is aver...

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Novamin for cold without fever?!

For about 5 weeks I have had a cold (runny nose, mucus from nose and/or mouth, cough, sore throat, swollen tonsils, weakness - but NO fever!). It is sometimes better, sometimes worse, but never really bad (= bedridden) or completely gone (= 100% fit...

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Red spots on the neck

Good morning, I have had these raised redness on my neck for 2-3 days. The cause is unknown. The area is sensitive to touch, but not otherwise painful. It has not changed in size or appearance in the last 1-2 days. About 4 cm below, a lymph node is s...

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When is a doctor's visit necessary?

Hello, For two weeks I have been experiencing stomach pain, which started with nausea and vomiting. Additionally, I also had diarrhea, which disappeared after two days. The pain occurs shortly after waking up, but it eases a bit after drinking some w...

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Tarlov cysts?

I have back pain in the lumbar area, which started in early 2015. I have had countless sessions of physiotherapy and participated in rehabilitation sports. In July 2016, I underwent further diagnostic tests at Charite, ruling out rheumatic diseases. ...

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For 2 years coccyx pain without diagnosis.

Hello, I am a 29-year-old male, not overweight and regularly exercise. I have been having problems with my coccyx for almost 2 years now. The pain is always noticeable when pressure is applied to it, mainly when sitting or when pressure is applied ...

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Cannabis during childbirth

Hello, my wife is pregnant in the 9th month. We have been thinking about how to make the birth as stress-free as possible for my wife and our child, and we wondered if a low dosage of cannabis products could help during childbirth? My wife had previ...

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Trouble with hemorrhoids?

Dear expert, I have had a rather diffuse problem for about 3 months that I can no longer properly classify. In short, it started with problems with bowel movements. Despite having a normal soft consistency, the need to use the toilet was already ind...

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Hernia and back pain

Hello, my mother has a hernia, also a navel hernia, and now for about a week she has been experiencing back pain in the lumbar area. Previously (about two months ago) she had pain that radiated down her thigh. The orthopedist only administers injecti...

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Effective pain reliever for sore throat

Hello, since last Thursday I have been experiencing sore throat. Since Sunday they have been so intense that ibuprofen only provides temporary relief. The relief lasts for approximately 1 hour. The following painkillers do not help or only have minim...

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Headache on the right side

Dear Sir or Madam, For about a year and a half now, I have been experiencing dull, pressing headaches at irregular intervals on the right side of my head. These pains sometimes come as sharp and occasionally migrate to the right side of my head towa...

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Kts left

Last year in October, after 6 months of monotonous work, I was diagnosed with left carpal tunnel syndrome with a 5.5 ms delay of the median nerve. The likely cause is a chronic thickening of the tendon sheath tissue. I have not been working since las...

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Pain in legs and burning in feet.

Hello, for several years now, I have been experiencing steadily increasing pain in my legs every day. The situation is as follows in detail: Feet: My feet burn constantly - in addition, they are very cold in winter and very hot in summer. In the su...

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blockade in the knee

Why do I have the feeling that my legs are tense when I sit down and then stand up again in my knee, and after a short time, about 2 minutes and a short distance of walking, they relax again and I no longer limp, Mrs. Frenzel...

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Hives-like rash on the forearm.

For several weeks now, I have been experiencing a hives-like rash on my forearms (in small areas). It starts with a prickling sensation, then itching, and then raised mini welts that look like they have been stung by nettles. After about half an hour...

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Inflamed and swollen area in the intimate area

Hello, I have the following problem: For several months, I have had a redness in the genital area, just before the shaft of the penis, in a limited area, occasionally. At first, I didn't think much of it, as the area was never extremely red or caus...

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