

Severe stomach pain after eating

Hello, My mother, for unreasonable reasons, refuses to go to a doctor (due to various fears) so I am asking for advice here: For about 2 weeks now, she has been experiencing stomach problems; it starts about 30 minutes to 1 hour after eating. She des...

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Hashimoto and heart problems

Hello, I am 38 years old, have Hashimoto's, and weigh 75 kg at a height of 1.66m. I often have attacks where my pulse goes up to 140 to 160 at rest. My blood pressure also rises during these times. My normal resting heart rate is 60 to 70. I have ha...

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Are circulatory disorders visible in the ECG?

Dear experts, I am a 35-year-old female and have been a non-smoker for a year now (due to these complaints). I have been experiencing heart problems for many months. Over time, they have worsened and become more frequent, particularly occurring duri...

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Constant headaches with infection

According to the hospital, I am suffering from a viral infection (suddenly got chills and nausea on Tuesday) and went to the emergency room with a fever of 39.5, where they admitted me. Blood tests showed nothing unusual. I was treated with paracetam...

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Upper abdominal pain

My name is Daniel Wallner, still 29 years young. Since the end of August 2018, I have been experiencing unknown upper abdominal pains that are constantly present in the center under my chest. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Not radiating. In October ...

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Reflections with general anesthesia

Good day, I am 63 years old and have no health complaints. However, I have not yet had a colonoscopy (and no prostate examination other than ultrasound and PSA - which was normal) and no gastroscopy. I unfortunately have extreme anxiety before these ...

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Stomach ache

For days, I have been experiencing stomach pain and a bloated stomach. The stomach is very tender to the touch, especially in the middle above the bladder and on the left and right sides near the pelvic bones. It hurts a lot when pressure is applied ...

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Pain in the leg

Hello, I have been experiencing severe pain in my right buttock and throughout my right leg (thigh, calf) for a few days. The middle three toes have a numb feeling. I am unable to sit or lie down. The pain is also present when walking, but it lessens...

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Clinic for ESWL for gallstones

We are looking for a clinic / practice that performs Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) for gallstones (insurance patient, inpatient or outpatient) in Bayreuth and the surrounding area, or even further away....

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When is a doctor's visit necessary?

Hello, For two weeks I have been experiencing stomach pain, which started with nausea and vomiting. Additionally, I also had diarrhea, which disappeared after two days. The pain occurs shortly after waking up, but it eases a bit after drinking some w...

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Long-term effects of alcohol poisoning

On Friday at a party, I drank myself into alcohol poisoning and ended up in the hospital. There, I vomited coffee ground-like substance. However, only once. The examination revealed no tenderness, a soft abdomen, and normal bowel sounds in all 4 quad...

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Chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic carcinoma

Dear team, Here are the details: Since 2007, I have been dealing with issues in my abdomen. Pain, pressure, burning, etc. Blood tests, ultrasounds, and MRIs have been done, but nothing was found. These episodes have continued. MRIs were done in 201...

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Early pregnancy and pain

Hello, I am pregnant, currently in week 7, day 1, and have been experiencing lower abdominal pain since yesterday evening. It feels like a dull ache and at the same time, it feels like muscle soreness. When I cough, it seems to cramp up somehow. I am...

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Persistent jaw pain after sneezing

Dear doctors, I am seeking assistance with the following problem: Pain in the left upper jaw, dark, throbbing, Missing teeth 25-28, History of maxillary sinus surgery. Chronic maxillary sinusitis on the left, Pollinosis, mite, decongestant nasal sp...

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Questions regarding bradycardia

Hello, I quit smoking in February of this year. Thorax X-ray & lung function test at the pulmonologist were all okay, but a visit to the ENT resulted in a diagnosis of chronic sinusitis, which is currently being treated. The main reason for quitting...

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Hello. I contacted you a few days ago regarding bleeding in the vitreous body due to diabetic retinopathy. I have had a lot of laser treatment. The doctor says that's why the retina cannot detach easily. I have a few more questions. You mentioned tha...

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hemorrhagic retinopathy

Hello, I have been suffering from type 1 diabetes for 38 years. I have had recurrent hemorrhages from the old vessels that then go into the vitreous body and reduce my vision to as low as 0.2%. I am 40 years old and want to postpone the surgery for a...

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