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Clinic for ESWL for gallstones

We are looking for a clinic / practice that performs Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) for gallstones (insurance patient, inpatient or outpatient) in Bayreuth and the surrounding area, or even further away.

Hans-Peter Schmidt

Such a clinic is not known. As far as we know, ESWL is not used for gallstone disease. The procedure is not justified for this indication.

Best regards.

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Experte für Internal medicine

Hans-Peter Schmidt

Hans-Peter Schmidt


>30 Jahre als Hausarzt und FA für Innere Medizin gearbeitet.Zusätzlich seit 10 Jahren freier MA in einem Unternehmen
für medizinische Telekommunikation.

Expert knowledge:
  • General medicine
  • Internal medicine
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