
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Early pregnancy and pain

Hello, I am pregnant, currently in week 7, day 1, and have been experiencing lower abdominal pain since yesterday evening. It feels like a dull ache and at the same time, it feels like muscle soreness. When I cough, it seems to cramp up somehow. I am not experiencing any bleeding. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do? Should I go to the hospital? I read online that magnesium could help. How much can I take?

Ulrike Winkler

Good morning - Pulling in early pregnancy can be completely normal - many women experience this when implantation and the stretching of the uterine muscles occur. Magnesium can help with this - take 150 mg twice daily. If you are very worried, I would advise you to have an ultrasound examination done for reassurance. Best regards and all the best! Ulrike Winkler

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Experte für Gynecology

Ulrike Winkler

Ulrike Winkler


Ich bin seit vielen Jahren in eigener Praxis niedergelassene Frauenärztin. Menschliche Zuwendung, Beratung, Verantwortung, Kompetenz und fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit bilden die Grundlage meiner medizinischen Arbeit. Im Mittelpunkt meiner ärztlichen Tätigkeit steht jedoch die Persönlichkeit und individuelle Lebensvorstellung der Frau.
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