
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Genital herpes

How does the exact transmission of genital herpes occur?

If I have blisters but do not come into contact with my partner, can I still infect them?

Is vaginal fluid automatically infected, or only if it comes into contact with blister fluid? Or is it enough if the secretions come into contact with the skin of the affected area?

Can one become infected with infected vaginal secretions only through cuts in the mucous membrane, or is normal contact also sufficient?

If I currently have blisters, have covered them, and have not come into contact with the penis, have I still automatically infected my partner?

Or is it really only contagious through direct contact with the blisters?

Ulrike Winkler

Good day,

Genital herpes is only transmitted through close mucous membrane contact - so only through sexual intercourse. If your partner has not come into direct contact with the blisters, he cannot have become infected. Vaginal fluid is infected when there are open blisters present. The mucous membrane can also be intact and still become infected. But this is only possible through direct contact.

Best regards,
U. Winkler

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Experte für Gynecology

Ulrike Winkler

Ulrike Winkler


Ich bin seit vielen Jahren in eigener Praxis niedergelassene Frauenärztin. Menschliche Zuwendung, Beratung, Verantwortung, Kompetenz und fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit bilden die Grundlage meiner medizinischen Arbeit. Im Mittelpunkt meiner ärztlichen Tätigkeit steht jedoch die Persönlichkeit und individuelle Lebensvorstellung der Frau.
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