
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology


Good evening,
30-40 percent of all people have the virus in them and can transmit it through sexual intercourse or kissing. When there are open blisters, the virus load is extremely high and one is highly contagious. However, the viruses can also be transmitted without blisters. This also applies to the herpes virus of the mouth - it is also transmitted through kissing. So you may have already infected your partner before or they may have infected you and it has only manifested in you. The viruses are usually lifelong in the body - sometimes they then break out.

Best regards, U. Winkler

So does that mean I can also have no outbreak at the moment and everything is fine, and still be contagious?
Through the mucous membranes?

Or are only the affected areas still contagious for a while after healing?

Because in the beginning you said it is only transmitted through the blister fluid!

Please answer this question for me.

Kind regards

Ulrike Winkler

Good evening,
That's exactly right. Even without an acute infection with blisters, the virus is present in your body and on your mucous membranes and can be transmitted. However, if there are open blisters, there are more viruses present at that time and transmission is more likely. But the virus can also be transmitted without blisters.
Best regards,
U. Winkler

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Experte für Gynecology

Ulrike Winkler

Ulrike Winkler


Ich bin seit vielen Jahren in eigener Praxis niedergelassene Frauenärztin. Menschliche Zuwendung, Beratung, Verantwortung, Kompetenz und fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit bilden die Grundlage meiner medizinischen Arbeit. Im Mittelpunkt meiner ärztlichen Tätigkeit steht jedoch die Persönlichkeit und individuelle Lebensvorstellung der Frau.
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