
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Forgot pill, please advise.

I am currently in despair. Here is the situation:

My girlfriend and I were out last Friday, and she forgot to take her pill that evening. She realized this on Saturday morning and took 2 pills immediately, which was 15 hours (she can take the pill within 12 hours after the normal time she should have taken it). Otherwise, she has taken the pill consistently on time for the rest of the month.

The problem is that we had sex on that Sunday. She is now taking the pill continuously because she should have started her pill break last Monday.

The days before she forgot to take the pill, we did not have sex.

She has been taking the pill for over 5 years.

Should I be worried that she might get pregnant? I just can't relax and I am on edge... she also took a test and it was negative.

Ulrike Winkler

Good day,
It is very unlikely that she became pregnant. I can really reassure you about that. However, a test is only meaningful 14-16 days later. Before that, it would not show anything.
Warm regards

Ulrike Winkler

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Experte für Gynecology

Ulrike Winkler

Ulrike Winkler


Ich bin seit vielen Jahren in eigener Praxis niedergelassene Frauenärztin. Menschliche Zuwendung, Beratung, Verantwortung, Kompetenz und fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit bilden die Grundlage meiner medizinischen Arbeit. Im Mittelpunkt meiner ärztlichen Tätigkeit steht jedoch die Persönlichkeit und individuelle Lebensvorstellung der Frau.
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