
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Income tax return

Income Surplus Calculation (ISC)


According to § 3d (4) UStG, we would like to waive the application of the delivery threshold for 4 EU member states (France, England, Spain, and Italy) and tax deliveries to private individuals there.

How are these operating revenues treated in the profit and loss statement (EÜR)? Are they entered as "non-taxable operating revenues" in line 12 (EÜR 2010)? If so, net or gross?

How are the value added taxes to be paid to the tax authorities in France, England, Spain, and Italy recorded as operating expenses?

Thank you in advance for a prompt response!

RAin/StBin Henriette Regulla-Schiessl

Dear Questioner,

Thank you for your inquiry, which I am happy to answer in the context of an initial consultation, taking into account your input as well as the rules of this platform.
The response will be based on the information you have provided.
Adding, omitting, or changing information, as well as ambiguities or inaccuracies in the facts presented, can alter the tax result.

Based on your description of the situation, I assume that you are a business owner (not a small business owner) and send goods to private individuals in the EU. You probably meant § 3c para. 4 UStG as the legal basis, as § 3d para. 4 UStG does not exist.

You can record the income as "revenue from supplies taxable in another EU country" (#8320, if you use SKR 03 for booking), otherwise line 12 (EÜR 2010) "non-taxable revenue" is correct.

The amounts should be entered net.

Enter the VAT to be paid to foreign tax authorities either in line 45 "VAT paid to the tax office" or in line 47 "other fully deductible business expenses".
In any case, you must document the facts well (keep VAT returns to foreign tax authorities), in order to be able to demonstrate the VAT facts to the German tax authorities if asked.

I hope this information has been helpful to you.

Henriette Regulla
Attorney / Tax Advisor

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Experte für Income tax return

RAin/StBin Henriette Regulla-Schiessl

RAin/StBin Henriette Regulla-Schiessl



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