
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Income tax return

Small business exceeded 17,500


Today I completed my income tax return. I am a small business owner and I am eligible for the small business regulation (KUR). Unfortunately, I realized today that I made a mistake in my calculation at the beginning of the year and I exceeded the 17500 turnover in 2011. I had a turnover of 22650. Unfortunately, I still did not show any VAT in 2012. Do I have to do that from now on and what should I do with the invoices issued in 2012 without VAT? Is there a possibility that I only have to show VAT from 2013 onwards and can still take advantage of the KUR in 2012?

Wirtschaftsprüfer André Hintz

Dear inquirer,

I would like to answer your question within the scope of an initial consultation and in consideration of your fee, together with the rules of the online portal. My response is based on the circumstances you have presented.

It is questionable in what amount you will generate revenues in 2012 and 2013.

The prerequisite for the small business owner rule is that in the previous fiscal year, you do not exceed the revenue limit of 17,500 euros, and in the current fiscal year, you do not exceed the revenue limit of 50,000 euros.

What is crucial here is a forecast made by you at the beginning of the year on how high your revenues will be in 2012.

If you could anticipate that you will exceed the revenue limit of 50,000 euros, then you should have issued all your invoices with VAT from January 1, 2012.

However, if your forecast indicated that you will stay below the revenue limit of 50,000 euros in 2012, it is correct to issue invoices without VAT for the entire year.

For 2013, you must determine your actual revenues from the fiscal year 2012.

If these revenues are below 17,500 euros, you must make a forecast of how high the revenues will be in 2013. If you will earn more than 50,000 euros, you must show VAT on all your invoices from January 1, 2013. If you will earn less than 50,000 euros, your invoices will remain without VAT.

If you earned more than 17,500 euros in 2012, you must show VAT on your invoices from January 1, 2013.

You should attach a letter to your tax return stating the revenues you expect in 2012. If you expect revenues below 50,000 euros, you should add that you will continue to take advantage of the small business owner rule. This way, the tax office is sufficiently informed and you are on the safe side.

I hope that my explanations have been helpful to you and remain

Yours sincerely,

André Hintz
Tax consultant

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Experte für Income tax return

Wirtschaftsprüfer André Hintz