
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Income tax return

Tax savings for weddings in 2011


My girlfriend and I are engaged and want to celebrate our wedding next year. Now we are thinking about getting married at the registry office this year for tax reasons.

How much would the savings be approximately? Is it really worth it?

Income Woman:
January-27.04. = 5000 euros;
from 28.04 Parental allowance = 6000 euros;
Child benefit = 12x184 euros;

Income Man:
1 month parental allowance = 1800 euros;
11 months salary (gross) = 75,000 euros;
12 months company car benefit = 589 euros/month

Thank you in advance!


Ralph J. Schnaars

Hello Mr. Müller,

I assume the question should be:

Tax savings when getting married in 2012 (and not 2011)

Therefore, I have based my calculations on the 2012 tax tables.

I have taken into account the incomes you provided under the condition that:
- there is no church tax payment (which would only increase the difference)
- a shared child must be considered
- there are no significant work-related expenses (neither for the man nor the woman)
- there are no additional earnings to consider (e.g. no interest income)
- there are no other special circumstances to consider (e.g. disability, major tax-relevant insurance payments, or other extraordinary burdens)
and that you already live together today with the shared child in a common household.

Specifically, due to the exclusion of work-related expenses (e.g. commuting expenses or job application costs) in this calculation, determining the taxable income is very difficult. Therefore, I will only provide approximate tax amounts that will clearly answer your question.

Unmarried and without the possibility of joint assessment, you will pay around 27,000 euros in income taxes in 2012, including solidarity surcharge.
As married couples with joint assessment (even a wedding on December 30th is enough), you will pay around 21,000 euros in taxes.

As mentioned above, I have only used the data you provided. If, for example, there are significant work-related expenses to consider, the difference may be slightly lower. But mathematically, there is a savings of around 6,000 euros.

I hope this information was helpful to you.

Kind regards,

Ralph J. Schnaars
22848 Norderstedt
Schubertring 19
+49 (0) 171 525 20 42

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Experte für Income tax return

Ralph J. Schnaars

Ralph J. Schnaars


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