Additional costs due to incorrect installation of the heating system.
My question is as follows:
We built a turnkey new building at a fixed price with a local construction company. We moved into it in September of last year. Already in January, we had problems with our heating system, and in April 2010, it was determined that this type of heating system does not work for us. Our heating system is a groundwater heat pump, where the water is used to extract residual heat. However, because our water is high in iron, the rust particles clog everything up and the well overflows.
This could have been easily detected before the drilling work began through a water sample, but the drilling company neglected to do so because it is very costly, and there are already 2 functioning systems of the same type and from the same company in the area. However, there was also a failed system from the same company in the area.
Now, the drilling company is offering us, or rather our construction manager, a deep drilling with a brine circulation pump, and we are expected to cover the additional costs for the increased drilling depth of 7000 euros. Our construction manager has already negotiated it down to 2500 euros. My question now is, who is responsible for covering the costs. Since it is partly a failure of the water sample, and on the other hand, it is a turnkey construction, albeit with a different heating system.
Is it us, our construction manager, or the drilling company?
I would appreciate a response.