Red spots on the glans penis and coronal sulcus.
I am reaching out to you as I have been experiencing persistent skin changes on my penis for about 4 weeks now. Initially, after repeated sexual intercourse, two to three mild, circular rednesses appeared on the glans. Shortly after, the lesions increased and also appeared in the area of the coronal sulcus and the foreskin. The lesions appeared ulcerous and were accompanied by itching, burning, and a severely swollen, painful right inguinal lymph node.
The dermatologist suspected pyoderma/balanitis and prescribed Duogalen locally and Doxycycline systemically. The ulcerations regressed, but the edema in the coronal sulcus increased along with slight scaling and intense itching, possibly a lymphangitis? Microbial swabs of the glans were negative. However, in the meantime, a syphilis infection was confirmed in my sexual partner.
My syphilis test this week showed reactivity in the immunoglobulins, while the TPHA/VDRL test was negative so far. Could this be a primary effect of syphilis after all? Attached are pictures of the current findings, which persist symptomlessly. The skin over the former lesions appears thin, shiny, and slightly brownish-red when not erect, and when erect for a longer period, the spots are heavily blood-filled and bluish for 1-2 days.
Is the skin change reversible? Could a precancerous condition have developed? (Just for your information: I am 31, not entirely unfamiliar with the field, but desperate...)