Short pressure in the head
I am currently experiencing terrible fear or getting caught up in a symptom again.
It often happens that when I stand up from sitting, I feel a brief pressure in my head. It is not painful. At first I thought it felt like blood rushing to my head, but now I am considering if the opposite is true. My blood pressure is rather low, measured at rest it is around 95/64. Recently it was even 90/64. Sometimes it's around 100/74. When I move, for example climbing stairs, walking, exercising, or bending forward, I never feel this pressure, only directly after sitting for a long time. For example, when I get out of the car and take the first few steps, then the pressure comes, not painful, feels like a vacuum, hard to describe, and it regulates very quickly. Within a maximum of 5 seconds, it's gone again. I don't always have this. I have known this feeling for years, but only briefly. Currently, I have been experiencing it on and off for a few days. As I mentioned before, it's not painful, I never really have headaches. Maybe 2 times a year or so. But where does this pressure come from? At first, I thought it felt like blood rushing to my head, but with this blood pressure, maybe the opposite is true? Could my theory about low blood pressure be correct? Additionally, I have strong tension in my neck and shoulders, and it happens more often when I had my head tilted down and was looking at my phone before standing up. I am really scared that something might burst in my head or that I have a tumor.