
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine


Muscle fiber tear it can't be, I know that too well, it's different. I'm starting to get a little scared now, I'm only 27, how can this happen? It's strange that it occurs on both sides, could it also be from my back? It's also happening in my right leg, of course I'm very worried that something bad will happen in the next few days.

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Ok, if it is in both legs, then a circulatory disorder is rather unlikely. The cause could indeed be originating from the back (disc?).

It would be best for you to get examined by your general practitioner tomorrow, so you can find out what's behind it and what can be done about it.

Try applying heat to see if it improves.

Relax, a warm bath would also be a helpful measure.

All the best and get well soon!

Best regards,

Dr. K. Hamann

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann


Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bin ich in der Medizin tätig. Als Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin helfe ich in meiner Praxis meinen Patienten.

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