Heart palpitations
Hello, I have another question about heart palpitations as it really bothers me. I experience heart palpitations during the day, which I feel in the lower throat area. My heart skips a beat and then there are 2-3 quick beats before returning to normal. I have this a few times a day, sometimes more severe, sometimes less. I regularly go for an ECG, stress ECG, and ultrasound once a year, but I am afraid that it could be something serious and that I could die from a heart attack or something similar. This really scares me. Last week, I had a panic attack out of nowhere. I felt uncomfortable in my chest, I was afraid, my heart raced, and I was tense and nervous. After 20 minutes, it was over, and I went to the hospital. My blood was fine, nothing abnormal, and I could go back home. But now, I experience something similar almost daily, and the palpitations scare me even more. I wonder why this is happening and what I can do, besides taking potassium from Schüssler salts. Sometimes I take deep breaths or hold my breath for a moment, or move around, but the palpitations still occur. I know this is a lot of information, but I just needed to get it all out. I am only 26 years old.