Utrogest Child Wish
Hello dear team,
I am 34 years old and have been trying to get pregnant for 8 months. My cycles are absolutely regular - 25 days long. Every month, I measure the LH surge, which is always detected around the 11th or 12th day. I also check the cervical mucus, which is then protein-like, and I always feel a slight pulling sensation - so I actually assume that I am ovulating. An analysis of my hormone levels 6 months ago showed that everything is fine - possibly the estrogen level is slightly elevated. Now, for the first time in this cycle, I had an irregularity - my period came on time, but with very little blood (light red, no clots) and stopped completely after 2 days. After that, on the 11th day of my cycle, I had spotting, which I never usually have. I went straight to my gynecologist, who did an ultrasound and ruled out cysts, etc. Everything is normal. However, she said I may have a slight luteal phase defect and should start taking 100mg of Utrogest every day from now on, throughout the whole cycle and until the 3rd month of pregnancy - she did not check my hormones again. After taking the first dose of Utrogest, I got a normal heavy period yesterday, which is still ongoing on the 13th day of my cycle...
This all seems strange to me - should I just take progesterone without really proving a luteal phase defect and then continue throughout the whole cycle? And is the current bleeding related to the intake - after 1 day?
I read on the internet that progesterone should actually only be taken in the second half of the cycle and in the first half of the cycle it can even prevent ovulation...
I am completely unsure - can anyone help me further?
Thank you very much and best regards,